About "A Little Fierce"

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mandy who was delighted to receive a Little Mermaid t-shirt for her fourth birthday and wore it regularly for the next three years. She put on fashion shows in her living room with her sisters, performed a brilliantly-developed TV pilot about an overworked career woman for her mom and sometimes narrated her life's story in her own head.

When she was seven, she decided it was time to grow up and began asking people to call her "Amanda."

That's me.

After living in small city Idaho, bigger city California and small, small town Washington, Amanda lept at the opportunity to move to an area with unlimited potential, incredible diversity and delicious coffee.

Always something to see.
Thanks for reading!

For more on why Amanda is blogging, check out http://alittlefierce.blogspot.com/2012/11/why-im-blogging.html

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