Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Seeing Seattle

A wheel and a ball

This may come as a shock to you; but last night I went to my first Mariners game. 

This is shocking for two reasons:

1. I have spent almost my entire life living in Northwest Washington. Sports games are frequent, popular and convenient. I just never made them a priority until I realized it was an experience I needed to have.


2. Baseball has never been among my favorite sports. That may be changing.

Grabbing a beer before the game
The seats were incredible -- four rows behind the M's dugout. I wanted to catch a ball but it appears as though you have to be a very cute six year old with a mitt in order to get a player to toss one your way. I'll work on that. ;-)

Glowing stadium lights

The Mariners beat the Houston Astros 3-2. Go team!

Another first Seattle experience occurred last weekend when I finally got up the nerve to ride on The Seattle Great Wheel. As a woman who had a panic attack on the Finding Nemo ride in Disneyland (as well as Grizzly Peak in Disney's California Adventure), I wasn't sure how I'd handle a giant ferris wheel that turns over water.

The first few moments were a little scary but once I saw the view it all went away. It was absolutely gorgeous, you guys.

Now that I have these two experiences checked off my list I'm looking for what to do next. Alki Beach? Mt. Rainier? Actually buying a fish from Pike Place Market?

Suggestions welcome! :-)


  1. I can't believe you've never been to an M's game! I'm going to one at the end of the month, hopefully the weather is nice :)

    I haven't done the Seattle Great Wheel, but your pictures are fabulous! Do you recommend going or is it more touristy?


    1. Kate,

      I would absolutely recommend going on The Seattle Great Wheel! It's touristy but also an incredible experience for locals who haven't seen those views.

  2. Looks like you had a great time! I love going to M's games in the summer!


    1. I did! Maybe I'll see you at one this season. :)

      Thanks for reading!

  3. I haven't done the great wheel yet, I'm scared of heights so I'm not sure if I want to do it or not. As for other Seattle things to do: I've heard that Ride the Ducks is really fun (I haven't done it yet, but its on my list to do, I've heard going with a few people is better for this) and the Sounder's games are always fun (especially against a rival team like LA, Portland, or Vancouver) and the tickets are reasonably priced, I got a 4 pack of tickets for $60.

  4. the view from the wheel is gorgeous!! glad seattle added it to its skyline
