The evolution of my hair
My mom always told me she gave me the most beautiful hair color I would ever have.
But I like to play with it.
My virgin hair |
I never colored my hair until I was 18. In the picture above, I'm 17 years old and loving my long honey-blond hair.
Then a break up happened, I was about to leave for college, 18 years old (which explains a lot) and I decided to do something drastic with my hair.
Chop it off! |
I went short and darker and was about to go darker yet. What is it about being a girl in the early years of college that makes you want to change your hair all the time?
Lookin a little like Snow White |
That didn't last long. I only kept my hair dark brown for about six months before going back to blond and growing it out again.
As I settled down and started focusing on what I wanted to get out of life, my hair became much more tame. I grew it long and kept it close to my natural color.
At 21, living in California with more sun-kissed hair. |
I loved my California hair. It was long, healthy, and a beautiful shade of blond that highlighted well in the sun. Then I moved back to Washington and my hair started growing darker again. Sad.
The plan was to let it grow out and gradually get it back to it's natural honey-blondish shade. Over the last couple months, however, I noticed myself being really drawn to brunettes. There's something very sophisticated about dark hair. So this time, with no breakups or crazy college drama influencing me, I decided to go for it.
Thank you to Ashley at C. Joy Salon in Redmond for giving me the exact shade and cut I wanted! No dyers remorse here!
We'll see how long it lasts. ;-)
Sorry for no outfit post this weekend! I caught some sickness and didn't think you'd be interested in seeing how I style my pjs! I plan to spend the rest of today on the couch with my pup watching reruns of The Hills. Don't judge! I love Lauren Conrad.